My wife Jo is an avid online shopper and earlier this year she commented that gift websites usually seem to present the consumer with too many products and then charge extra for gift wrapping, delivery and so on. From a consumer perspective, too many options and takes too long.

Jo decided to launch her own ecommerce website that would simplify the whole gift buying experience and take away some of those decision points. A few weeks ago Giraffe in a Scarf was born. All gifts have a single price point that includes the gift, gift wrap, greetings card and delivery.
Initially Jo has started with scarves. Why? Scarves are one size, you know what you're buying and crucially, they're letterbox friendly. No more trudging to the Post Office to pick up a parcel because you were out when they tried to deliver it.
Initial feedback has been very positive. Shoppers love the idea of simplicity and Jo has focussed on making online gift buying as easy as possible.
I think Jo has done a great job! You can check out Giraffe in a Scarf
here or follow them on Twitter at