Friday 1 August 2008

Truphone Anywhere custom filter tricks

The more I use Truphone Anywhere the more impressed I am with it. I've been checking out custom filters and come up with some neat money saving tricks. I've set up filters to direct calls to 08 numbers & other Truphone numbers via Truphone Anywhere when I'm not directly connected to Truphone (usually away from my WiFi router).

My mobile operator 3, like most operators, charges extra for calls to 08 numbers and Truphone numbers. However, by using Truphone Anywhere these calls are directed via a 01 number so come out of my mobile call bundle. As I never use the whole bundle this effectively makes them free on my mobile tariff. Truphone then charge me for 0845 or 0870 calls but at a lower rate than 3. 0800 calls and Truphone to Truphone calls are free via Truphone.

International calls are already routed via Truphone Anywhere so all my mobile calls via 3 are now 'in bundle'.

One point to note is to set up the filters in both '08' and '+448' formats to ensure calls are trapped whichever way they are dialled.

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